Guest Post

At TIMEMAGZ we publish articles on various topics such as news, entertainment, sports, health, and more. We welcome contributions from writers who are passionate about sharing their knowledge and opinions with our readers. However, we have some content guidelines that contributors must follow to ensure the quality and originality of content. Please read the following policies carefully before submitting your article.

Content Guidelines

Uniqueness and value: Articles will not be uploaded or published if it doesn’t follow our content guidelines. To get instant approval your articles must be unique and provide value to our readers. It must be informative, helpful, engaging, and relevant to our website’s theme and audience. You can use online tools such as Google Trends to find out the latest and most popular topics in your niche. Please Maintain a professional and informative tone in your writing. Avoid overly promotional or self-serving language. Share your expertise and insights, but avoid excessive self-promotion.


Once your post is published on our platform, we request that you do not republish it elsewhere. You can, however, link to and promote the post on your own website and social media channels.

Ethical Standards

Your content should be ethical, respectful, and inclusive. Avoid content that is offensive, discriminatory, or promotes harm. WE DO NOT ACCEPT ARTICLES ON ADULT OR GAMBLING TOPICS.


AI content

We understand that some writers may use AI content writing tools to generate or enhance their content. However, we do not accept articles that are entirely or mostly composed of AI content. Your article must have at least 75% of original and human-written content.

Word count

Your article must have at least 800-1000 words. We prefer articles that are concise, clear, and well-structured.

Featured image/Blog Images

Every article must have a feature image if you are not allowed to add featured image then add at least one image between the article that is relevant to the topic and attracts the reader’s attention. The feature image/Blog image  must have a size of not more than 200 KB and a resolution of 1080 x 1080 pixels with JPEG format. You can use any image editing software to resize and compress your image or use online tools such as Compress JPEG.

Note: Do not add graphics/images that reserve copyright

SEO and readability

To get quick approval focus on your SEO score. SEO score measures how well your article is optimized for search engines, and readability level measures how easy your article is to read and understand. You can use online tools such as Yoast SEO or Readability Test Tool to check the SEO and readability of your content.


You can include up to two links in your article that are relevant and useful to the topic and the reader. The links must be from credible and reputable sources, and must not be promotional or spammy. You can use online tools such as Moz or Ahrefs to check the authority and quality of your links.

Approval time

After you submit your article, our editorial team will review it and decide whether to accept or reject it. The approval time may vary depending on the volume and quality of submissions, but it usually takes between 24 to 48 hours. You will receive an email notification about the status of your article. If your article is accepted, it will be published on our website. If your article is rejected, you will receive feedback on how to improve it.

We hope that you find these policies helpful and easy to follow. We look forward to receiving your article and working with you. Thank you for your interest in contributing to Time Magz. By adhering to these guidelines, you enhance the likelihood of your guest post being accepted and published on our platform. We appreciate your interest in contributing and look forward to working with you to share valuable insights with our audience. Thank you for choosing to be a part of our community.

Restrictions / Limitation

Use Valid Emails

We value our contributors and want a long-term relationship which is not possible without a valid connection. It is requested you provide us with your valid emails or contact information for a successful registration process. We send weekly updates regarding new features and content publishing. You Unsubscribe to this email as well.

How many articles you can post in a day?

To maintain the quality of TimeMagz we are currently allowing contributors to upload 1 – 3 articles in a day. If you want unlimited access to article publishing BECOME A VIP. Contact us at [email protected] for further details.

Policy Violation

We expect that you will follow all provided guidelines. If we find any contributor, editor, author VIP/ Basic member violating TIME MAGZ Policies they may get restricted or suspended.

Note: VIP members will not be able to claim refunds in any case but we are always open to talk.

Email Us Your Content: [email protected]